четверг, 17 мая 2012 г.

When did the Romans invade Britain?

First invasion

In August 55 B.C. the Roman general, Emperor Julius Caesar invaded Britain. He took with him two Roman legions. After winning several battles against the Celtic tribes (Britons) in south-east England he returned to France

Second invasion

The following summer (in 54 B.C.) Caesar came to Britain again landing at Walmer near Deal in Kent. This time he brought with him no fewer than five legions (30,000 foot soldiers) and 2,000 cavalrymen (horse riders). This time the Romans crossed the River Thames. After more fighting, the British tribes promised to pay tribute to Rome and were then left in peace for nearly a century.

More information about Caesar

Third and final invasion

Nearly one hundred years later, in 43 A.D. Emperor Claudius organised the final and successful Roman invasion of Britain. General Aulus Plautius led four legions with 25,000 men, plus an equal number of auxiliary soldie. They crossed the Channel in three divisions, landing at Richborough, Dover, and Lympne.
More information about Claudius

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